Daily Habits to Boost Your Weight Loss on the HCG Diet

With the combination approach of HCG and VLCD, you can drop weight and avoid gaining them back. Typical HCG dieters can lose up to 2 pounds per day without exercising. Stick to the HCG diet plan throughout the weight loss program to boost weight loss. There is more to learn throughout the HCG diet program. ...

When Is Cardio Workout Permissible on the HCG Diet?

An inactive lifestyle can take a toll on your overall wellness. It can cause weight gain and triggers weight-related diseases. Too much calorie intake and inactiveness are culprits of obesity. Heart failure, hypertension, high cholesterol are typical effects of obesity and unhealthy food choices. Exercising can prevent cardiovascular complications. Physical activities are not advisable as ...

How does the HCG Injection Work for Men?

The HCG diet aids in weight loss and improves testosterone production. Running low on testosterone is due to aging and lifestyle. You can change it through the HCG diet and improve your lean muscle without hitting the gym. Although the HCG injection is a pregnancy hormone, it is also present in men’s bodies. But, the ...

Junk Food Cravings on the HCG Diet? Try These Tips

Giving in to junk food cravings often links to guilt, disgust, and self-loathing. Eating junk foods can kick in the reward center of your brain and stimulate your appetite. Avoid giving in to junk food cravings during the HCG diet to prevent weight gain. Junk food cravings are powerful weight loss pitfalls during the HCG ...